the lodestar of health

It is known that the values of our lives are inextricably linked with health, because full happiness is impossible without it. We take the role of a guide and mentor, who supports not only here and now, but also in the future, working for the future of medicine and humanity.

Therefore, the symbol of our company is the “Vega” which stands for a “star-guide”. Behind the Vega is a whole galaxy consisting of seven stars-virtues, symbols of our vision of a healthy life. The galaxy is girded by a swift ring – it’s a symbol of Vegapharm dynamics which means that “we do not stand still and constantly move to be ahead, directing with our flicker and warning about dangers ahead of time”.

7 stars of Vegapharm

At the foundation of good health and well-being are 7 virtues, 7 postulates. All of them are the basis for the activity of Vegapharm.


This is a guarantee of effective and successful activity. It is a reasonable coherence of plans and opportunities and the ability to maintain balance in any situation. The well-considered decisions and avoidance of extremes in actions underly the stability of the company’s development.


It is necessary to strive constantly for self-improvement, to develop both spiritually and physically. We consider development as both the desire to improve internal processes in the company, and as offering new opportunities for our partners.


This is the internal strength of the company, the solidarity of the team, the ability to overcome the negative at the most crucial moments. Only in this way you can choose the right direction of development and follow to it in the future.


It would seem such a simple and understandable thing, but in fact a very important factor in work and development. Purity of thoughts and actions is the basis of successful and mutually beneficial relations with customers and partners.


The constant support of immunity and prevention is a significant component of a healthy approach. Careful attitude to all spheres of life and business is highly valued in the company Vegapharm as well as other postulates.


The healthy “internal climate” of the company has a significant influence on all aspects of activity, so maintaining a calm and friendly atmosphere is included in the list of iconic trends in the company.


We distinguish several pillars which all have to influence human life and our activities equally, so harmony is no less important.